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As the foundation linked to artist Koen Vanmechelen, MOUTH's headquarters is situated at LABIOMISTA in Genk, an art, science and cultural park, designed and curated by Koen Vanmechelen. It hosts international symposia and events, and houses a permanent updated exhibition space which brings art together with science to illustrate its work and broaden public discourse on bio and cultural diversity.
The foundation has its base in the old Director's Villa, a protected cultural heritage site and former villa of the director of Zwartberg coal mines, and later Zwartberg Zoo.

Story, sample and data bank

The MOUTH foundation collects, stores and makes available scientific samples, field research data and community stories.
Data is stored at the foundation's home base in La Biomista in Genk Belgium and contains genetic and bio samples from  Vanmechelen's different CCP generations as well as from PCC chickens in different locations globally. The data is presented in a sample bio bank, a library and related art works.

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